New Mexico State Council, Vietnam Veterans of America
The Right Choice *Chartered by the Congress of the United States*
Agenda & Minutes
Council Messages
NMSC By-Laws
VVA Principles
VVA Goals
VVA Core Values
Chapter Startup Guide
Recruitment & Retention
TAX 990N Information
VVA's Declaration of Principles

We, the veterans who served during the Vietnam War, who embraced through sacrifice and service to country the most fundamental and cherished bonds of our democracy, reaffirm that commitment to spirit and ideals, accepting it as the solemn responsibility of our survival, to bear the burden of what has been so that tragedy once endured can never be forgotten.

And so do we resolve that the true measure of our worth as citizens, as veterans, and at patriots be found in our willingness to draw from and abide by these strengths and convictions born of heritage and experience.

TO HOLD that a sacred and binding contract exists between governors and governed, with the latter recognizing an obligation of compulsory foreign or domestic service equitable shared by all, and the former morally obligated to implement foreign and domestic policies that are clear, consistent, and reflective of the will of the people.

TO HOLD further, that the contract extend to post obligatory service with the Nation, bound whenever and wherever appropriate to the prompt delivery of compensation to individuals or survivors in direct proportion to sacrifice and service rendered.

TO HONOR with dignity the sacred memory of the war dead, and so indignity, insure that the lasting legacy of the fallen is responsibility toward, not exploitation of, their sacrifice.

WE STAND for cooperation, dialogue, and friendship among the nations of the world community, with full respect and support of those principles central to our national life.

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